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Hi there, my name's Calcium, or Dan if you're not into a Halloween joke from 2018. I've been at this whole Youtuber thing since I was, like, eight, and my interest only grew the older I got. By the time I met Hex, I'd tried (and failed) to get some semblance of a YouTube channel going.

I met the other Co-Founders over a neat little game of Minecraft, and from there things went just about as well as they could. We had some ups, downs, sides to sides, and many other directions I can't be bothered to list, ultimately culminating into what I, personally, call the 'Triple Troubles,; whereas our group reformed three times, if memory serves me correctly.

I met Hex and Crusader at different times in my life. One was a kind fellow, who knew when to inject humor into just about any situation he found himself in, while the other was Hex, some nerd who liked Linux. Believe it or not, I met Hex first, and we became not so fast friends. We were mutual acquaintances of someone else, who's since left our lives, but we became fast friends after Hex asked me to play a game of Splitgate with him.

During this time, our first group formed, called... Horizon something, if I recall correctly. After we split the first time (Nothing major caused it, just life incompatibilities), we reformed, and became OneZero Media. The aforementioned member who me and Hex knew became... Well, unpleasant to be around would work best. We quickly cut him out, and after our second split, we held onto OneZero for the time being.

Then Hex realized he needed to focus on his mental health (and he wanted to change his username), so he decided to split us up for the final time. After many tears (not from me, I assure you,) we tossed OneZero aside, due to its prior associations, and instead went with Dysfunctional Entertainment. And that leads us to here and now. It's been fun, and it can only go up from here.

-Calcium, "Normal Guy"